21 research outputs found

    Wychowanie do wartości. Rozważania o wartościach w wychowaniu

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    Celem publikacji jest przedstawienie w formie materiału szkoleniowego zasad logoterapii autorstwa Viktora Emila Frankla, przełożonych na praktyczny język działań profilaktycznych. Treść szkolenia obejmuje genezę logoteorii w oparciu o dzieła Viktora Frankla i Karola Wojtyły, główne założenia logoterapii w kontekście działań profilaktyki braku sensu oraz jej praktyczne zastosowania w postaci konspektów do wykorzystania na godzinach dla wychowawców

    DNA microarray integromics analysis platform

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    Background: The study of interactions between molecules belonging to different biochemical families (such as lipids and nucleic acids) requires specialized data analysis methods. This article describes the DNA Microarray Integromics Analysis Platform, a unique web application that focuses on computational integration and analysis of "multi-omics" data. Our tool supports a range of complex analyses, including - among others - low- and high-level analyses of DNA microarray data, integrated analysis of transcriptomics and lipidomics data and the ability to infer miRNA-mRNA interactions. Results: We demonstrate the characteristics and benefits of the DNA Microarray Integromics Analysis Platform using two different test cases. The first test case involves the analysis of the nutrimouse dataset, which contains measurements of the expression of genes involved in nutritional problems and the concentrations of hepatic fatty acids. The second test case involves the analysis of miRNA-mRNA interactions in polysaccharide-stimulated human dermal fibroblasts infected with porcine endogenous retroviruses. Conclusions: The DNA Microarray Integromics Analysis Platform is a web-based graphical user interface for "multi-omics" data management and analysis. Its intuitive nature and wide range of available workflows make it an effective tool for molecular biology research. The platform is hosted at https://lifescience.plgrid.pl

    The prognostic value of tumor markers doubling times in medullary thyroid carcinoma - preliminary report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Calcitonin (Ct) and carcinoembrional antigen (CEA) are widely used as tumor markers for the post-operative follow-up of patients with medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC).</p> <p>In patients with elevated serum Ct and CEA their dynamics can be described by calculating the doubling time (DT) - the time, they need to double the serum concentration. Previous reports concluded that the Ct and CEA DT have prognostic value in MTC patients.</p> <p>Patients and methods</p> <p>We retrospectively analyzed data of 70 MTC patients with elevated serum Ct or CEA. In total, doubling times were calculated and the DT of the less favorable marker was used to stratify the patients into the low- and high-risk group with the cut-off value of 2 years. The survival analysis was performed using Cox proportional hazard method.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The doubling time < = 2 years of the less-favorable marker had significant prognostic impact for recurrence-free survival, HR = 2.61 (1.43-4.71) and overall survival, HR = 8.99 (3.51-23.04).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The calcitonin and carcinembrional antigen doubling times of less than two years are negative prognostic factors for MTC recurrence-free and total survival in patients with persistent or recurrent disease. They may be used as predictive factors for more intensive search of disease localization in asymptomatic hypercalcitoninemia and for therapy choice in symptomatic disease.</p

    The early Bronze Age feature from Wilczyce, site 10, Sandomierz district : an interpretation of its functioning in light of multidimensional analysis

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    The aim of this paper is to present the multidimensional characteristics of the feature number 4 at the site in Wilczyce located on the Sandomierz Upland. During exploration of the pit rich flint material, fragments of pottery vessels and animal bones were found and just above the bottom a “deposit” involved a human skull of the young female, two cattle mandibles, a sheep/goat tibia and astragalus, a damaged cattle scapula and radius, and a polishing stone were deposited. The C14 date obtained from the tooth from the cattle jaw was 3790 ± 35 BP. Based on the shape and the size of discovered feature it is possible to classify it as a typical storage pit but presence of “deposit” enable to postulate a ritual character of assemblage that reflect some kind of burial practices of the Mierzanowice culture. Rituals in the form of interring the dead or parts of their bodies can be found also in the Unietice culture so such features may indicate the emergence of a certain supra- -regional and cross-cultural trend in the early Bronze Age

    Introducing the Brassica Information Portal: Towards integrating genotypic and phenotypic Brassica crop data [version 1; referees: 2 approved]

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    The Brassica Information Portal (BIP) is a centralised repository for Brassica phenotypic data. Trait data associated with Brassica research and breeding experiments conducted on Brassica crops, used as vegetables, for livestock fodder and biofuels, is hosted on the site, together with information on the experimental plant materials used, as well as trial design. BIP is an open access and open source project, built on the schema of CropStoreDB, and as such can provide trait data management strategies for any crop data. A new user interface and programmatic submission/retrieval system helps to simplify data access for scientists and breeders. BIP opens up the opportunity to apply big data analyses to data generated by the Brassica Research Community. Here, we present a short description of the current status of the repository

    A Platform for Collaborative e-Science Applications

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    Abstract A novel, holistic, approach to scientific investigations should, besides analysis of individual phenomena, integrate different, interdisciplinary sources of knowledge about a complex system to obtain a deep understanding of the system as a whole. This innovative way of research, recently called system-level science [1], requires advanced software environments to support collaborating research groups. Most problem-solving environments and virtual laboratories In the ViroLab project The Virtual Laboratory (see The Experiment Planning Environment supports rapid experiment plan development while the Experiment Management Interface enables loading and execution of experiments. The Experiment Repository developers and published for future use. The virtual laboratory engi Operation Invoker which instantiates grid object repr operation invocations. The GridSpace Applic load balancing on computational servers. The Data Access Service remote databases located in research institutions and Fig. 1. Architecture of the Virtual Laboratory The provenance approach in the ViroLab virtual laboratory ontology-based semantic modeling, monitoring of infrastructure, and database technologies, in order to coll the execution of experiments, represent it in a meaningful way, repository. In the ViroLab project, this virtual laboratory is used to plan and virological experiments, with various types of analysis of as the calculation of drug resistance, querying historical and about experiments, a drug resistance system based on the Retrogram been applied to other application domains, such as comparison, data mining using the Weka library, series of Gaussian application on the EGEE infrastructure. computer science classes. We have developed an environment for collaborative planning, execution of e-Science applications. It facilitates fast, close cooperation and users so it may be used by groups of experts running In-silico experiments undergo frequent changes, this platform encourages quick, agile simulation software releasing

    Indications for surgery of thyroid cancer based on bioptate molecular examination

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    Wstęp: Ryzyko wznowy w węzłach chłonnych w przebiegu zróżnicowanych raków tarczycy (DTC, differentiated thyroid cancer) jest znaczące. Mimo że większość nawrotów wykrywa się już w czasie pierwszych lat obserwacji, to jednak u części chorych do wznowy raka może dojść nawet po wielu latach od zakończenia leczenia skojarzonego. We wczesnej fazie tworzenia się przerzutu trudno odróżnić węzły chłonne odczynowe od przerzutowych, stąd pytanie, czy w rozpoznaniu przerzutów podejrzanych węzłów chłonnych moze pomóc badanie molekularne uzyskanego bioptatu. Celem pracy była ocena wyników bioptatów badanych metodą molekularną, RT-PCR (reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction) dla mRNA tyreoglobuliny (Tg, thyreoglobulin). Materiał i metody: W badaniu wzięła udział grupa 193 chorych na zróżnicowane raki tarczycy z podejrzeniem przerzutów do miejscowych węzłów chłonnych, u których przynajmniej raz w toku obserwacji uzyskano wynik dodatni RT-PCR. Łącznie pobrano od nich 308 bioptatów. Reakcję RT-PCR wykonywano z materiału pozostałego w igle po wykonaniu tradycyjnego rozmazu cytologicznego. Kontrolę izolacji RNA i amplifikacji cDNA przeprowadzano, stosując startery dla dehydrogenazy fosforanu-3-gliceroaldehydu (GADPH, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase). Startery dla tyreoglobuliny obejmowały eksony 3-5; stosowano 39 cykli PCR. Wyniki: W badanej wyselekcjonowanej grupie chorych uzyskano 246 wyników dodatnich badania RT-PCR, a rozpoznanie przerzutów do węzłów chłonnych potwierdzono za pomocą badania cytologicznego w 71,1% przypadków. Spośród pozostałych 71 wyników, w których wynik badania cytologicznego nie był jednoznacznie zgodny z badaniem molekularnym, w 34 przypadkach potwierdzenie istnienia przerzutu wynikało z łącznej interpretacji badania cytologicznego (w którym cytolog stwierdzał podejrzenie przerzutu, ale nie dawał jednoznacznego rozpoznania lub wynik bioptatu był niediagnostyczny) i klinicznego (ze względu na wyniki innych badań). Operowano 11 chorych, u których na zabieg zdecydowano się wyłącznie ze względu na utrzymujący się w kolejnych bioptatach dodatni wynik badania molekularnego. U 10 z nich (91%) rozpoznanie przerzutu raka tarczycy potwierdzono za pomocą pooperacyjnego badania histopatologicznego węzłów chłonnych szyi. Zatem łączna ocena wiarygodności wyniku dodatniego mieściła się w zakresie 75-89%, przy wiarygodności wyniku ujemnego równej 100%. Wnioski: Badanie molekularne (RT-PCR dla mRNA Tg) podejrzanych węzłów chłonnych jest badaniem wspomagającym kwalifikację chorych do leczenia operacyjnego w przebiegu zróżnicowanych raków tarczycy. W przypadku, kiedy badanie cytologiczne jest ujemne, wiarygodność dodatniego wyniku badania molekularnego nie jest pełna, dlatego przed podjęciem leczenia operacyjnego koniecznie należy przeprowadzić indywidualną analizę wskazań, a dodatni wynik badania molekularnego kwalifikuje chorego do grupy wysokiego ryzyka wznowy w węzłach.Introduction: In differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) the differentiation between reactive and metastatic lymph nodes is difficult at the early stages of metastasis. The aim of the study was to assess the results of fine needle aspiration (FNA) samples examination by the use of RT-PCR for Tg mRNA. The special attention was directed to the evaluation of specificity of TgRNA estimation. Material and methods: The group consisted of 193 DTC patients with suspicion of lymph node recurrence and at least one positive RT-PCR result. Thyroglobulin RT-PCR was conducted in residual material left after preparation of cytological smears from FNA specimens. Primer spanning exons 3-5 were used with 39 cycles of PCR. RNA isolation control and cDNA amplification were carried out using GAPDH starters. 308 lymph node biopsies were included. Results: 246 positive results for Tg RNA were observed in the analyzed group, 71.1% confirmed by FNA. Among other 71 results, in which cytological examination did not correspond unequivocally to molecular findings, in 34 metastases were confirmed both by cytological and clinical examination. There were 11 patients operated due to the positive serial molecular examination only. In 10 (91%) of them DTC metastases were confirmed. So, the positive predictive value of the molecular result ranged between 75-89% and the negative one was 100%. Conclusions: In DTC patients RT-PCR Tg mRNA is helpful in qualification of suspicious lymph nodes to surgery in DTC patients. At the negative cytological finding, the positive molecular result constitutes an indication for early surgery

    Comprehensive Analysis of Circular RNAs in Endothelial Cells

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    Non-coding RNAs constitute a heterogeneous group of molecules that lack the ability to encode proteins but retain the potential ability to influence cellular processes through a regulatory mechanism. Of these proteins, microRNAs, long non-coding RNAs, and more recently, circular RNAs have been the most extensively described. However, it is not entirely clear how these molecules interact with each other. For circular RNAs, the basics of their biogenesis and properties are also lacking. Therefore, in this study we performed a comprehensive analysis of circular RNAs in relation to endothelial cells. We identified the pool of circular RNAs present in the endothelium and showed their spectrum and expression across the genome. Using different computational strategies, we proposed approaches to search for potentially functional molecules. In addition, using data from an in vitro model that mimics conditions in the endothelium of an aortic aneurysm, we demonstrated altered expression levels of circRNAs mediated by microRNAs

    Caves in the Polish Flysch Carpathians : collective work : the restoration

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    MiR-191 as a key molecule in aneurysmal aortic remodeling

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    Abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) are a complex disease with an unclear pathomechanism. A positive family history is emphasized as a significant risk factor, and a nonspecific model of inheritance suggests participation of epigenetic regulation in the pathogenesis of this disease. Past studies have implicated microRNAs in the development of AAA; therefore in this project, we measured miR-191 levels in AAA patients and compared them with a control group. We found that miR-191 levels were significantly elevated in aneurysmal patients, although this did not correlate with the available clinical data. We then developed an in vitro model where, using cells with an endothelial phenotype, we determined the effect of miR-191 on the transcriptome using RNA sequencing. Subsequent pathway analysis established that some of the perturbations mediated by miR-191 can be explained by several processes which have long been observed and described in literature as accompanying the development of abdominal aortic aneurysms